Mission, Values and Goals. Watch our Bchangemakers campaign launch video. The work that all of you do for the ladies in the refuge and those out in the community is truly amazing and working with you all for this long has really shown me how many lives you save. Mission, Values and Goals.
British Credit Union Historical Society. Share this page on Facebook. I am very proud to be a part of the credit union and the ethos of people helping people. Very very best knowledge toture and lovely group, geting a knowledge and share a experiance from all member of DE2015. what a lovely group? A very inspiring and educational experience. It awaken my interest to serve the community.
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Top 10 public relations tips for charity. Public relations is as important for charities as for any other type of organisation. It might seem like stating the obvious, but effective communications is vital for charities and not-for-profit organisations, which rely on supporters. The question is, how do you get your voice heard? Ethos public relations has developed. As well as working with charities in a professional capacity, we are also very active .
OUR LOANS AT A GLANCE. 8216;Helping you manage your money better! We are a fair,. Focused credit union, providing a wide range of ethical financial products and services throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Focus on people not profits. Fair return on your savings. Lower interest rates on loans. Peace of mind that your savings are in safe hands; protected by the FSCS. Range of products to suit all budgets.
This site makes use of cookies. ABCUL comments on week of activity for financial inclusion.
European Parliament Credit Union Interest Group. The EU and Credit Unions. European Parliament Credit Union Interest Group. EU - Credit Union Network. Governance responsibilities are overseen by a board of directors serving the credit uni.
This site makes use of cookies. Ministers praise school savings project. Two Scottish Government Ministers have visited Blantyre and South Lanarkshire Credit Union to see their Savvy Savers project in action. Growth in credit union lending. New payroll scheme for Castle and Crystal CU.
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